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Writer's picture Mark W. McGinnis

Faded Pictures from a Life: Porn in the Shed

Porn in the Shed


Sex was, of course, a completely taboo subject in our household. It simply did not exist. This was true not only in our home but also in my education, kindergarten through graduate studies. Outside of the home and school it was, of course, a different story.

My first memory of sex comes from around the age of six or seven when a neighbor girl and I did, “You show me yours and I’ll show you mine.” My first exposure to pornography came around the age of eleven when magazines were shown to me in the shed between the garden and chicken coup. The elicit images came from the boys in one of the dilapidated small houses to the south of us. Their father either did not care or was too drunk to keep track of his stash. The images we secretly and voraciously consumed, in dire fear of being caught, would be hilariously laughed at today. Grainy black and white photos of women mostly nude or, thrill of thrills, breasts exposed. Never anything else was shown and certainly no sexual interaction. My sexual education continued through pornography as the years rolled by until clumsy experimentation began in high school.

Porn in the Shed, 12″ x 9″, acrylic on shuen paper 2021

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